Do you have FOMO? How about having your farewell before you go?!

Living Funerals

Yes it’s controversial, it’s certainly not for everyone, but if you knew you didn’t have long to go would you want to celebrate your life before you die?

What Is a Living Funeral?

A living funeral is a heartfelt and transformative celebration held while a person is still alive. Unlike traditional funerals, it offers an opportunity for individuals to gather with loved ones, reflect on their life, share stories, express gratitude, and say things that are often left unsaid. It’s a powerful way to honour life, deepen connections, and create lasting memories.

Whether someone is approaching the end of their life or simply wishes to celebrate their journey with family and friends, a living funeral can be a profoundly moving experience for everyone involved. It allows people to express their love and appreciation in the present, rather than through a eulogy or tribute.

What do you do at a living funeral?

As an independent celebrant, I specialize in crafting bespoke ceremonies that are as unique as the individual they honour. So I guess the answer to this question is ‘whatever you want!’

Together, we can create a service filled with meaningful moments, whether through music, poetry, storytelling, or rituals that resonate with you.

You pick the venue, the date and time, the guest list, the refreshments and, most importantly, you pick the memories and feelings you want to share and remember.

Help, I don’t know where to start!

If you or a loved one are considering a living funeral, I would be privileged to guide you in designing a beautiful and memorable event. Let’s celebrate life together in a way that truly reflects your story.

To learn more about how I can help, please visit to see what I offer or get in touch to have a no obligation discovery call.