Why Choose a Celebrant Led Wedding

So the chances are the reason you’re reading this is because you’re already interested in doing something a little bit different on your ‘Big Day’. You want to get married but you don’t fancy the same ceremony as every other wedding you’ve been to before? Or you found those weddings a little anti-climactic, less about the exchanging of vows and more about the after party?!

My job, as an Independent Wedding Celebrant, is to help you create a ceremony that truly reflects you as a couple. A moment to tell your love story, to stand in front of your nearest and dearest and say your vows, vows that mean something to you both.

As it stands I can’t currently do the ‘legal’ bit (but there is a lot of work happening to change legislation so watch this space), but don’t let that put you off, let me give you an alternative suggestion for your unique Wedding Day.

I don’t think the ‘legal’ bit is the ceremony, it’s certainly not what will make your special day very special. It’s the paperwork. If you register a birth or a death you don’t have an audience, it’s a quick trip to the registry office with the correct proof of id/paperwork. You then have a SEPARATE event to celebrate the birth or honour the death of your loved one.

So, why not do the same for your wedding? Book a simple wedding at the local registry office (this can cost as little as £50 + the cost of the certificate*) for you, your partner and 2 witnesses. This could be in the week running up to the big day, after the honeymoon, whenever you like!

Your Wedding Ceremony can then be ANYWHERE! You want your guests to hike to the top of a mountain to hear you read your bespoke and personal vows I’ll give my walking boots a good clean! You want to spend the day on the beach or you have a friend who will loan you a field for a festival themed do – the choice is yours and I will match your vibe!

As it stands today, as long as you have permission from the land owner you can have a Wedding Ceremony wherever you like, which just adds to making it the most unique experience.

So once you’ve decided where, I’m here to help you create a ceremony that truly reflects you as a couple. We can work together to write vows, tell the story of how you met, play the music you want, ask your guests to bless your rings in a ring warming ceremony or physically tie the knot in a hand fasting. I will give you the options, you lead the way to create what feels right and perfect for you.